Friday, December 4, 2009

UPB Still at 100%

For the second year in a row every freshman athlete that UPB has consistently worked with has made their high school team. In our 2 years of existence UPB has had 100% of their incoming freshman make their high school baseball team. Congratulations to the following athletes:

Trevor Townsend Yorba Linda High School
Tyler Maloney Corona Del Mar High School
Tyler Beutel Mater Dei High School
Carlos Quintana Mater Dei High School

Also a quick player update of two of our college athletes. Taylor Richardson is finishing up his first semester at Oklahoma State University. All reports are that Taylor had an unbelievable fall and just may have won the starting centerfielder job as a true freshman. Alison Kooistra from Boston College is entering her junior year at BC. Going into this fall she was slated to bat 7th for the Screaming Eagles softball team. But after a great offensive fall and a meeting with her coaches where she basically told them to leave her swing alone (I love it) she is now slated to bat second in the line up. A goal she had set for herself at the beginning of the summer. Great job to Taylor, Alison, and our freshman class keep up the good work. We here at UPB are proud of you.

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